Professional - Experience -Expertise
Trustworthy - Credible - Strategic
What do we do ?We are a business advisory firm, based in Ireland, that supports our clients, helping them with business improvement, problem solving, growth and profit solutions and strategic planning. We work with business owners, professional practitioners, partners/shareholder directors and their teams on their key strategies to help them realise their vision for their businesses and their key financial goals, overcome their barriers and support them in delivering on the actions to which they commit to achieve these goals.
What type of businesses do we work with ?We work with business owners and directors who have responsibility for: Owner managed private companies and unincorporated businesses Family Businesses Professional Services firms Partnerships Not-for-Profit Organisations
What business sectors do we work with ?We have experience of working with a broad range of SME businesses across mulitple sectors. Our recent work has been with busineesses in the following sectors: Hospitality - food - beverage - hotel Food processing and distribution Retail Transport & logistics Importation and Wholesale distribution Business Services Property, construction and allied contractors Professional Services Firms - Financial - Medical - Legal - Building & Construction
What specific types of outcomes do you work on?We work with business owners and their teams where they want to: Fix specific problems Grow their businesses Improve profitability Build effective management teams Strategically plan for the future Increase the value of their businesses Plan for orderly business succession Optimise tax efficiency Grow and protect wealth and personal income Minimise the impact of business compliance
What skills does Gerry McInerney have to deliver the services?Gerry is a Chartered Accountant who has worked with clients throughout his professional life. He is well versed on the factors that influence business success. Having founded and managed McInerney Saunders, Chartered Accountants he has first-hand experience of all aspects of managing a people-led business. He is familiar with the strategies for and difficulties associated with growth having worked with his team to grow his firm to become a top 20 national accounting firm Having been an Accredited Business Adviser from 'Mindshop', he has competence in all aspects of advising businesses. He holds a Certificate from Chartered Accountants Ireland in 'Directors’ Duties and Responsibilities 'and, with his on-going interest and experience in this area, he brings relevant expertise to board appointments and professionalising the work of boards. He has a wealth of experience in advising business owners and helping them set and achieve their key business goals.
How does the process work ?Each business is as unique as the people behind it. There are no simple answers or textbook approaches. Our first step is to understand you and your business and what it is you want to achieve from working with us. Generally we find business owners approach us for help in the following ways: I need help with a particular problem – can you help me? This generally involves working with the client to achieve progress on fixing an issue in the business. This often leads to a limited on-going involvement. Can we make an initial start? This might involve an initial business review to highlight issues within the business and a monthly or quarterly meeting with the business owner to focus on progress in resolving the issues. I'd like to go a bit deeper Frequently the business owner might require assistance with the implementation of action plans and this might lead to greater involvement working with them and their teams to achieve specific goals. Let’s get serious Once the business owner begins to see real progress arising from the involvement of the external adviser the case for taking a harder look at the business becomes compelling. Our involvement in this type of situation may lead to more regular reviews of the business and working with the business owner on the vision and strategies by which the vision can be realised. What often follows is a series of action plans and regular reviews of management’s success in their implementation. From this process we often see a more focussed management team emerge and a greater level of professionalism at management and board level. I need you to help me transform this business Sometimes we are asked to assist business owners where the business needs radical change. We will only agree to become involved where we feel we can add value.
What fees do you charge for this type of work?In all cases we agree fees in advance based upon the nature and extent of the work involved and the value we bring. We can operate on monthly retainers and retainer fees are payable monthly by standing order. For suitable transformation and other projects where we add value, we charge a combination of fees and success-related equity or profit participation.
What’s my involvement as the business owner?When it comes to improving or changing your business ultimate responsibility for successful outcomes rests with you and your team. If you truly want to make things happen, we can be the catalyst that brings it all together. Successful outcomes can be achieved by combining our tried and tested processes with your commitment to change and a great deal of your, and your team’s, time and effort. Through the experience that only comes from working in this area for many years, we know how to help businesses achieve better outcomes. If you are ready to take the first step, why not complete the Business Diagnostic.
How do we start?Firstly, we'll have a 10 minute call to see if we are a good fit for each other. If the answer is 'Yes' then we'll arrange a further call or meeting to outline how we would propose working with you on your business. Once we have agreed terms we will begin to work in accordance with a plan to address the issues you have identified, any subsequent issues that may emerge and more importantly, their underlying causes.
As a business develops there is a need to distinguish the role of management from that of the board. This can be difficult in situations where the principal management comprises the owner/s of the business with perhaps some key staff who have certain operational responsibilities. There may be an insufficient number of directors to have an effective board carrying out the various commercial and legal responsibilities that are the preserve of the board.
Having one or more experienced non-executive directors is one way of beginning the process of bringing objectivity, accountability and governance to a company. There should be a separation of what goes on at management meetings and what goes on at board meetings. They are not the same. The drive for such change will often come from those who are not close to the company but who have been brought on to the board because of their experience of best practice in other companies and sectors.
All directors should bring their personal values to bear on setting the company’s vision and mission, policies, standards and ethics – they should help chart the company’s strategic direction, vision and mission. Non-executive directors must, however, refrain from interfering with management in implementing strategies to achieve these objectives. That said, they must hold management accountable for performance – not just financial performance but also for performance on achieving the strategic objectives.
The directors should ensure that management identifies and evaluates risk in all areas of the business and develops minimisation strategies appropriate to its business and the market in which it operates and that there is proper and timely management succession.
The ethics and standards for the business are set by the board and it is the board’s responsibility to ensure that the tone it sets at the top filters down to all levels within the company. Directors need to give this high importance and satisfy themselves that corporate policies, set at the top, are being followed.
Would your company benefit from having an experienced professional contributing at board level?
Non-Executive Director

Having one or more experienced non-executive directors is one way of beginning the process of bringing objectivity, accountability and governance to a company.